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The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) set guidelines for the voluntary carbon market, creating the conditions for this critical market to grow and thrive. Even before COP26, voluntary carbon markets already posted an almost 60% increase in value from the prior year; the “State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets” predicts that transactions on the voluntary carbon market will exceed $1 billion in 2021. Saving and restoring carbon-rich ecosystems can be confidently executed through large-scale reforestation programs, efforts to reverse land degradation, and other innovative nature-based solutions, in coordination and support of indigenous communities. Read more
NCRC is an African leader for actions to mitigate global climate change using practical, community-based interventions in rural Ghana and other countries.
NCRC is implementing conservation initiatives to promote a greater awareness of and protection for the natural, historic and cultural diversity of African countries.
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